The Beginning
As our homepage says, we were founded as a close group of friends who share a passion for music and its creation. We started because a bunch of us who liked the same kind of music got together and said, “hey, it might be fun to start a band together!”
We started off as a classic three-piece band, with Gabe Schmitz on guitar, Malachi Schmitz on bass, and Josiah Fillingham on drums. Eventually, we added a second guitarist, Tommy Micks, to vary the skillsets of our guitarists and to allow us to layer guitar parts while playing live. We briefly had Isaac Foust on keys, who left for personal reasons. Most recently, Malachi left (again, for personal reasons) and our bassist is now Ehren Hoesly.
Suffice to say, we’re now a four-piece band: Tommy Micks on guitar, Gabe Schmitz also on guitar, Ehren Hoesly on bass, and Josiah Fillingham on drums.
A little less than two years ago, rougly six months after we started, we figured we’d be rleasing an album fairly soon… and then the COVID-19 pandemic hit. While that certainly slowed our momentum some, we’re back in the groove of things and are hoping to release the album soon, for real this time. You can also get a sneak peek over on our SoundCloud "Playground".